Thursday, October 7, 2010

I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M UNDER 200 LPS!

When I first started thinking about weight loss surgery, I was morbidly obese, weighing in at 275 pounds. I could not walk from room to room without running out of breath. I had uncontrolled diabetes and mild sleep apnea. My health was deteriorating fast. I knew if I didn't loose weight fast, my health would go from bad to worse and maybe even early death.

On the day of my surgery, I had lost a small amount of weight and weighed in at 265.5 pounds. I had no idea how long it would take for ALL the weight to come off after the surgery.... I'm please to say that 4 months later I am over 75 lbs. lighter! Yesterday I weighed in at 197 pounds! I haven't been under 200 lbs in over 10 years! :-) I am super AMAZED and THRILLED with the results!!!!! :-) It's a happy day!


  1. NO fair! I'm not. :-( So proud of you, and can only guess how happy you must feel. I used to be less than a hundred, but that was on an IQ test.

  2. Sweeet! Well done. That is truly exciting.
