Thursday, August 19, 2010


Well, Amy and I are off and walking! :-) Yesterday was our first day. We only walked a mile... but it was soooo much easier with a walking companion. I've never had a walking partner before! So this is great! Today we walked two miles. But we walked super slow today. The first mile was OK, but then Aaron (2 yrs) and Mary (3 yrs) wanted to walk with us. Aaron especially was fun to watch as he explored his world and tested his boundaries. He noticed EVERYTHING! And it made me grateful to experience his joy and enthusiasm over small things like mailboxes, acorns, and mushrooms. Mary also noticed every cat and spider web. It really made me appreciate Heavenly Father's creations! And I wasn't sitting... I was walking... and enjoying the "exercise!" We hope to keep it up. We want to walk 2 miles a day 5 days a week....

1 comment:

  1. Just talked to a fellow who had by-pass about four years ago. He says he also walks or runs daily (four miles) and has to stay ever vigilant. But he looks great and says he feels even better. Very encouraging to me, for you.
